Bamboo Warrior

A tribe74 side project –The Graphic Novel

Artist, Rob Langille and I, Andrew Stewart, are taking a side trip into the world of the Graphic Novel from our traditional children’s stories.  Join us as we begin this exciting adventure into the development of the characters and storylines.  

Here is a look at the concept for our 1st character:

Name: Bamboo Warrior

Character: Nomadic Martial artist

Weapon of Choice: a staff that is also used as a blow gun

Secondary weapon: combat knife

Secondary Skill: herbalist

The source of his power comes from a tiger tattoo that he never had inked but just began to appear as his training developed.

The Bamboo Warriors back story:

He doesn’t remember his family.  He moved around from foster home to foster home and at times his rage got the better of him and on more than one occasion found himself living on the streets, until he was taken in by a group of Shaolin monks who had come into the city for supplies.

They took him to their backcountry temple and trained him to harness his anger and energy through martial arts and meditation.  He grew to be a very powerful warrior with the ferocity of the tiger, but what stayed with him from the streets was his inability to forgive.  He still strived for inner peace, but that seemed very far away.


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