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Let me introduce you to Turbine, the latest concept character for tribe74’s Graphic Novel! Name: Turbine Super power:  control of wind and energy (energy balls etc) Classic outcast.  He has never felt accepted by his peers, probably just as much because he wouldn’t open himself up to them in fear they would learn of his powers,[…]

Bamboo Warrior

Bamboo Warrior

A tribe74 side project –The Graphic Novel Artist, Rob Langille and I, Andrew Stewart, are taking a side trip into the world of the Graphic Novel from our traditional children’s stories.  Join us as we begin this exciting adventure into the development of the characters and storylines.   Here is a look at the concept[…]

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tribe74 is an artistic vision; one that had brought together the creative minds of children’s author, Andrew Stewart of, artist, Rob Langille, Art Interrupted, and Paul Stewart, Gregory Inspired Marketing.  This is the culmination of friendships bridging 30 plus years that started in a local community, playing ball hockey, building tree forts and bmxing.[…]